10th of March 1984: Searching for alternative parties.

This night I had a dream, a dream of finding alternative movements when it comes to politics. In other words I was hoping of finding some kind of liberal party which would allow all those nice stuff that now was illegal, or hard to get. When talking about nice stuff I am thinking of chocolate, champagne and good tasting food in general. All those stuff are such important for me, so I decided to start my research right away. The problem was that no alternative parties were allowed, but I expected that there would be at least one secret movement. My search started in the local pub where I asked some men if they knew anything of value, and one old man did! The man told that there was one quite big party called the Abstemious. I could not believe what the man just told, it just sounded too good to be true. I continued asking questions and it sounded better for every word that was told, until the man said: “This was how it was until for 2 years ago”. I looked at the man and asked what he meant and then he answered. “Now they are named the New Abstemious and they have now changed political direction completely. Today they are red just like the government party. They still call themselves liberal, but in fact they are socialist and nothing else”. I was shocked, and could not say a single word. The man finished the conversation and said: “Can you save me from this socialist society, I can´t stand it any longer”.



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