11th of March 1984: Children in Oceania look after the adults.
This morning I saw something terrible on my way to town. Two young kids, not older than 9-10 years of age wearing uniforms with the name “The Spies” on them, pointed a gun, not a real one of course, into the back of an older guy while calling him “traitor” and telling him that they were going to report him to the Thought Police. I think the Thought Police is a part of the police force, but I will have to do further investigations about this particular agency. Anyway, after having experienced this incident I started to pay more attention to the children in the city. I noticed that they are keeping a watching eye all the time, to be able to notice if anyone acts suspiciously or are doing anything illegal that they can report to higher powers. Children watching adults every move might just seem odd to me because in Eurasia the situation is reversed, grown-ups are keeping an eye on their kids. But here adults seem frightened of their own children. In fact, one woman even started crying and an old man started to scream for his teddy bear when a Spy checked them out. This is insane! But I am sure that having kids to act this way is something that is carefully thought thru by the government. By creating fear among the people, everyone is fallowing orders. Imagine living like that, foreseeing every move you make so that you don't get in to any troubles. I wouldn’t move here for anything in the world!