13th of March 1984: The government has set limits on all kinds of products, except Victory Gin.
When you go shopping in this country everyone buy two or three bottles of Victory Gin, one of the things you can buy as much as you want of. I glanced through a window to a Community Center and saw people inside get refill after refill of the gin. Apparently this liquid is pretty strong and after what I have seen of Oceania so far I have came to the conclusion that the Victory Gin must have a purpose, to keep people forget their troubles and appreciate their lives. In conclusion, I am sure that the government supplies the people of Oceania with products such as the Victory Gin so that the people should keep calm and not rebel against the rule. But the consumption of gin in large amounts might not give the exact results the government wishes. After have standing discretely outside the window for a while people begun getting noisy, screaming illegal phrases against the Party and jumping on the tables. Of course this unacceptable behavior did only last for a short period of time and decreased rapidly after a couple of people, who I assume should keep track of who attended these events, managed to get people down from the tables and quit them. As a result of today’s scandal, I don’t think Victory gin will be served as generously at Community Centers in the future.