14th of March 1984: As long as you are acting like an Oceania citizen, everybody thinks you are one.
After spending one whole week in Big Brother society, mostly acting like a prole, someone who is not a member of the Party, or at least having been mistaken by one, I thought I would try to get a glance at the environment inside one of the Party buildings. But to be able to do this I had to get proper cloths, the Party overalls, so that I would fit in among all the Party members. Therefore I returned to the place where I had seen all the “rare products” to try to get hold of some overalls. I managed to sneak into a storage space during lunch break, since everyone apparently eat at the same time and at the same place. Inside I found a box, half empty of what seemed to be a bunch of used uniforms. I went into the actual Party building, dressed in one of these uniforms, and moved towards the dining area, where loud noise came from. Dining halls in this country are placed in the basements and disgusting is a word that comes to mind due to the vomit-like stew that is served and the poor metallic interior. After lunch I wondered around in the building, trying to look natural and not stare particularly much. I ended up in a crowded room and the doors closed right behind me. In only a few minuets the room went completely quiet and a man in a black suit stepped forward. Apparently every one in that room should fight the war against Eurasia. All the men present got divided into groups, where every group represented a certain assignment and rank, soldiers, medical staff, generals and so forth. For some reason I was designated general. What has happened today, I playing the roll of a Party member and actually being selected general in the war against Eurasia, my home country, is something I see as completely comic. I mean, this government doesn’t seem to keep track of their own people and I don’t blame them, they all look the same and neither of them gets to show their true personality. I am sure some of the citizens in Oceania even have forgotten what they personally think, since everyone have to act in a special way. Unfortunately I won’t join the Oceanian army, but instead return home to the fantastic Eurasia as fast as I possibly can!