9th of March 1984: Technical problems with the telescreens create chaos.
Today when I was on my way to lunch, I passed Victory Square where a crowd had gathered around the telescreen in the center of the square. I tried to move closer towards the huge screen but I didn’t see any difference from what it had looked like yesterday. But when I finally got close enough I saw what was going on. The telescreen showed a meeting of the Inner Party members drinking coffee and eating lots of chocolate. Since we could see them instead of they seeing us, as I expect would be normal, something had happened to the telescreen for sure. From my experiences and knowledge in the field of physics I came to the conclusion that a cable must have broke, and as a consequence of this, the electrons in the system were traveling the wrong way. People in the square started talking to one another and I was able to snap up questions such as “how did they manage to get hold of these products when it is almost impossible at times like this” and “this must mean that proper coffee is back on the market, don’t you think?” The Inner Party was the common word in all the discussions I was able to overhear. A small group of people screamed the word “liars” while pointing at the telescreen. But during a time period of less than two minuets after the small group had begun to point and scream towards the telescreen, dozens of guards arrived and carried them away from the crowd, at the same time as a couple of them begun to destroy the telescreen with giant hammers. The people in the square went completely quiet until the guards had disappeared. Then they started talking again, but this time very silently, about that the microphones in the square might not have been broken and that the small crowd getting arrested were going to be hanged in next week’s public hanging. Apparently here in Oceania, the government watches the people all the time and if one does something against their will one might be executed. Disappearances are also quite common, I have heard. An old man who worked in the restaurant where I had lunch yesterday told me that to disappear is called being “vaporized” and after that one is erased from the present, the past and the future. Scary! Here freedom is something that doesn’t exist but nobody seems to care about it either. Taking vaporization into consideration, standing up for what you believe in must be almost impossible. So People of Eurasia, be proud of your country and appreciate what you got, because the people of Oceania are prisoners, while you are individuals with human rights!